Safe Routes to School:

•provides safe route mapping for neighborhood families
•sponsors bike education and group rides
•offers bicycle repair to keep kids on the move
•works with schools to develop a calendar of walk and bike events and incentives

Safe Routes to School helps kids and parents discover that walking and biking can be a fun and healthy part of every day!

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs encourage daily physical activity and the development of healthy habits in youth by promoting regular walking and biking to school. Walking and biking also reduces traffic congestion and pollution around schools, improves safety in school zones, and provides families and friends an opportunity to share time with each other and build connections in their community.

Region-wide Events

Region-wide walk/bike events are available to ALL elementary and middle schools in the region. The first events of the year are the Walktober Walk to School Challenge on Oct. 6-10 or Oct. 13-17 (dates depend on school district) and International Walk to School Day on Oct. 8 or Oct. 15 (again, depending on school district). More information will be available soon.

Check them out!

For more information on the WALKtober Walk to School Challenge, download the PDFs below:
SRTS and WALKtober Basics
Wellness Week Planner Guide

To register your school for the event, just fill out the this form.

2014-2015 Pilot Schools

Four elementary schools were selected to receive focused and comprehensive City of Tucson Safe Routes to School support. Six other schools are receiving assistance with specific SRTS projects. Pilot schools for this school year are Blenman Elementary, Howell Elementary, Kellond Elementary, and Laguna Elementary.

Congratulations to the selected schools!